Monday, 5 June 2017

Brave ERP Software Products

The ERP products in brave technologies is mentioned by the modules.

  • Enterprise Management Solutions
  • Service Management Solutions
  • Purchase Module
  • Logistics and Dispatch Module
  • Human Resource
  • Quality Control Module
  • Personnel Module
  • Customer Support Module

Enterprise Management Solutions:
         Marketing and Sales Management, Purchase Management, Delivery and Logistics Management, CRM, Finance Management etc..

Service Management Solutions:
         We focus exclusively on the manufacturing and trading industry. Our sharp focus on the domain helps us understand your business needs better and quicker than other IT “vendors”. Our products and services have helped our customers reduce costs, respond rapidly to market needs, enhance customer service levels and mitigate risk. Our strong alliance with industry leaders helps us deliver evolved and cost-effective technology solutions.

Purchase Module:
         In this module we offer vendor master, purchase order,process order approval, query master, stock FIFO, purchase tracking and so on.

Logistics and Dispatch Module:
        In this module we offer sales invoice (local & export), delivery challan, dispatch reports, customer wise invoices, excise report and so on.

Human Resource:
        In this module we offer employee profile, loan entry, shift configuration, holiday list, branch master, attendance register, overtime record, pay slip, salary statement, salary history, employee list.Using our HR Service Management solutions will help you focus your resources on strategic priorities. Now you can create a system of engagement that complements existing applications for core HR, talent and workforce management.

Quality Control Module:
         In this module we offer sales invoice (local & export), delivery challan, dispatch reports, customer wise invoices, excise report and so on.

Personnel Module:
         In this module we offer task manager, time sheet, advance request, travel expenses, attendance report, view salary slip, employee work report and so on.

Customer Support Module:
        In this module we offer installing, commissioning, service register, customer satisfaction feedback form, customer complain record, service register entry and so on.

Friday, 2 June 2017

HMS ERP Software Solutions in Chennai

Modern health systems tend to become increasingly complex with stakeholders interconnected and constantly changing environments. Any well-managed institution needs information across the length and breadth of health information systems. In many respects; there is a need to monitor what health care services are achieving across the range of basic values and directing principles. As responsiveness contributes to relevance, accessibility and availability of information improves transparency, which in turn strengthens the credibility and legitimacy of health institutions.

HMS Modules:

  • Patient Registration
  • Medical Records
  • Human Resource Management
  • Pharmacy Management System
  • Bio Medical Waste Management
  • Blood Bank
  • Radiology Information System
  • Laboratory Information System
  • Inpatient & Ward Management
  • Emergency / Casualty
  • Ambulance
For More Details :

Wednesday, 31 May 2017

Construction ERP Software Solutions in Chennai

CONSTRUCTION sector now a day’s facing various difficulties in meeting the required specification, budget etc. For Positive result we need to integrate external and internal resources skillfully. ERP in Construction sector manage your multiple construction projects by giving you complete and instant access to its progress. Basic modules covered in ERP of Construction Company and industries are sales management, vendor management, material management, Customer Relationship Management etc... Construction ERP can be a powerful tool for business improvement.

             Construction ERP solutions provided by Brave technologies not only maintains the business it also helps to upgrade the business to next level. It provides a smooth and Friendly relationship with client and customers. It increase reliability and minimizes costs of maintenance.
             We give Special Priority to provide successful and easy Construction ERP because it is challenging to use ERP in this sector. Our Company develops ERP with domain knowledge and software technology knack to develop the best of ERP solutions. We find better solutions with cutting-edge technology which differentiate us from others.

Tuesday, 30 May 2017

Automotive ERP Software Solutions in Chennai

Brave targets on ensuring that our applications are suitable and user friendly too. We distinguish our services with our technical, functional expertise and on time delivery with best quality. Our services cover Customized Application Development, Web –Based Application Development, Mobile Friendly Solutions, and Software Maintenance etc. Our aim is to provide to our client finest quality application development services and products and providing supreme value to Enterprise worldwide at an affordable cost. We believe in "Customer Satisfaction is Our Satisfaction".

               We offering ERP Solutions for Automotive focused on customization and other technical aspects of ERP implementations such as upgrades, technical and production support. automotive services and solutions help you optimize the end-to-end processes for the entire lifecycle of your products, from new product development, and production to cost, quality, and regulatory management. Only with a global view of information can automotive manufacturers and suppliers achieve efficiencies and make smart business decisions to increase investment and drive out cost.

Tags: " Automotive ERP Developers Chennai, Automotive ERP in Chennai, Automotive ERP Software Solution Chennai, ERP Software for Automotive Industry, ERP for Automotive, Automotive ERP Software Solutions in Chennai, Automotive ERP Providers in Chennai "

Trading ERP Software Solutions in Chennai

We have many Trading company clients. The key factor in Trading ERP we provide have some advantages like Price can be changed according to the supplier, customer and store demands easily. Our ERP Application can be accessed at anytime and anywhere which is used for to manage the business activities efficiently. ERP makes it simple to track a trading firm's Sales Data and sales done by each person easily. Our ERP software provides end-to-end solution that manages and organizes every aspect of business.

            Trading ERP is used by small scale, medium scale and large sized organization. Major Modules in Trading ERP are Masters, Sales, Inventory, Deliveries, Reports, HR modules and so on.
As it used to regulate and track their business operation which is used to increase the sales of their respective company.
             A prosperous trading business is probably is the exact amalgam of tools and techniques, right from receiving orders, purchasing goods and delivering goods to the customers .For this Purpose we use ERP for Trading company for easy tracking and managing .

Leather ERP Software Solutions in Chennai

Brave Technologies do all this and more! Comprising of industry-leading Modules for Enterprise Resource Planning ERP like Inventory, Sales & Marketing, Purchase, Finance & Accounting, Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Engineering/ Production, Supply Chain Management (SCM).We Design the software to work the way you want, links all phases of your business, letting you perform more efficiently.

The Purchasers of today demands the best quality leather product at the most competitive price. At the same time, as per laws become increasingly firm, leather manufacturers accrue costs in abiding by governmental regulations regarding disposal, storage and so on. What you need is Consultant and development teams that can help you to optimize performance, satisfy customers and reduce production costs.

Key Benefits:

  •  Our ERP for leather industry is a online application software so user can login securely at any time.
  • It caters efficiency in the productions and acts as an organized process in business thus making easier for the companies to collect data.
  • By using our ERP software one can control one's business from any part of the world and anytime. Our ERP software is fully web based so it minimizes the manual work to a great extent. It will help in producing modernized units by providing a methodical approach to business.

Cloud ERP Software Solutions in Chennai

we are leading cloud based erp software development company in chennai offering best quality cost effective erp software applications and end to end enterprise solutions.

What We offer:
        We offer ready or tailor made Cloud ERP applications for our clients and our exclusive Cloud ERP applications are for Trading, Manufacturing and Real Estate (Construction & Builders) companies. Streamlining Business process like Sales,Purchase,Inventory and production.

Cloud ERP Benefits:
         Without a proper ERP application, any type of organization may find difficult to operate with manual data entries, paper work and without integration. Our ERP will intgrate departments like: production, sales and purchase management, stores management, human resources management etc.

Cloud ERP Features:
         1. Mobile functionality
         2. Manufacturing
         3. Financial management
         4. HCM (Human Capital Management)
         5. SCM (Supply Chain Management)
         6. Project management:
         7. CRM (Customer Relationship Management)
         8. Delivery methods
         9. Third-party interoperability
         10. Ease of integration